Sales Assessments Provide Predictive Science to Pick the Right People
Our suite of Sales Assessments are the most predictive sales assessments in the world and literally are backed by over 30 million pre-employment assessments completed in numerous industries worldwide.
Depending on your industry type or role, we can guide you to the right sales behavioral assessment for your use. They are all based on our highly predictive assessment models– up to 99.5% predictive for success in sales roles.

POP for Sales
POP for Sales™ is a fully integrated, online selection, succession planning and coaching assessment tool for competitive people; those where compensation is primarily based on commission and relationship sales people, those where building a trusted advisor relationship is key.
Sales RepPOP™ is designed specifically for training and coaching of competitive salespeople (those where compensation is primarily based on commission) and relationship salespeople (those where building a trusted advisor relationship is key).
The SalesScreen™ employs Smart Work | Assessments proprietary three-component predictive formula to assess a candidate’s inherent sales DNA, previous sales experience, and attitudes toward a sales career.
ProfessionalPOP™ is the ideal tool to help you select top-performing professionals for any independent contributor role in your company, department, or team.
Sales ManagementPOP™ is a state-of-the-art sales assessment tool that actually predicts management success and helps you recruit, develop and retain top-performing sales managers.
The POPScreen™ is a psychometric tool that provides a solution to the challenge of targeting and screening a high number of potential sales recruits.