Resumés Only Show Past Experience. Smart Work | Assessments
For Hiring Predict Performance at YOUR Company.
Organizations tend to hire based on a candidate’s specific experience. But how can you be sure that an applicant will exert the same effort and achieve the same results—or better—for your company?
Hire based on potential, rather than experience or behavior alone. Powered by self-management science, our career assessment tools show whether an applicant’s inherent traits and relevant learned behaviors are a strong “fit” for the job as well as for the manager and team they will be joining.
Unlike traditional personality profiles, Smart Work’s POP™ Assessments do not simply describe behaviors. With 30 million data sets generated over 40+ years of continuous study, we know which traits and learned behaviors are typical of high performers in numerous job roles. Our assessments compare candidates to these normative ranges, making it possible to predict a candidate’s potential for success in a specific position with up to 99.5% probability using customized models.

SELECTION OF TALENT is like using a thermal imaging tool. At first glance, candidates may look the same, but our selection tools are unmatched at finding the hottest candidate.
Smart Work’s screening and selection tools can be integrated into many ATS platforms or our own software for applicant tracking and new hire onboarding, TalentNest. The built-in tools in TalentNest make it even easier for your organization to build better selection processes that use screens, full assessments, and simulations at whatever stage you prefer.
Bottom line: Companies that integrate Smart Work’s POP™ Assessments for hiring have seen more than a 150% increase in performance and lower costs.