
At Smart Work | Assessments, we get people.

Smart Work | Assessments is a Master Distributor for SelfManagement Group’s POP™ (Predictor of Potential™) psychometric assessments. Supported by SelfManagement Group’s statisticians and psychologists, we leverage statistically reliable, validated data from more than 30 million assessments to provide our clients with unmatched insights into what makes people successful on the job.

We know they provided “unmatched” insights because we’ve personally used them in literally hundreds of Search projects in our Recruiting Business, Smart Work | Network, Inc. over the last 25 years.   We “rarely” get it wrong, because in addition to our “gut feel” through our robust screening and selection process, we always relied on the POP™ Assessments for the particular role for which we were recruiting to match “by comparing and contrasting” candidates to predictive job role models, to the hiring manager and to the culture of the organization. In that regard, our clients trusted us because we were using Science to validate our instincts.

Because our clients so often wanted to continue using our assessments for their internal “selection” processes, we decided to become a Master Distributor to both sell direct to clients and to our certified and trained resellers.

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